Business Weekly Interview
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1. Learn from your mistakes: “What is your biggest mistake – and what did you learn from it?” Like everyone I have made mistakes in life. I have been fortunate. Most have not had great consequences. I would let others judge which was my...
1. Right before the reunification in 1997, many companies worried about Hong Kong’s future, including the British, and moved their domicile or divested from Hong Kong. What were your views of the city’s economy at that time? Looking back...
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1. Dr Li is one of a very small handful of successful businessmen who are investing in digital start-ups (Innovative startups in Tech). Even Warren Buffet does not do this. I want to understand why Dr Li is investing in digital start-ups? What...
What is behind the rise of populism in Hong Kong in recent years? What do you think the solution is? The widening wealth gap is a growing global social problem and it is a very thorny issue for governments everywhere. If government set policies...
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