Press Releases

HKU proposes naming its Medical School as HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine

18 May 2005

Following reports two weeks ago that the University of Hong Kong (HKU) received a pledge from the Li Ka-shing Foundation for a benefaction of HK$1 billion, HKU announced today (May 18) that its Council, at a meeting held this morning, formally accepted the donation.

The Council at the same time resolved unanimously to propose to the donor that the Faculty of Medicine be named the HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine. This is to recognize the generosity of Mr Li and his Foundation as well as the wish of the donors to support, in addition to the general development of the University, research and academic activities in medicine. The decision of the Council has the support of the Faculty of Medicine and the Senate.

The Chairman of the HKUs Council, Dr Victor Fung, said after the Council meeting, The naming of the Faculty of Medicine is a recognition not only of the generosity of Mr Li and the Li Ka Shing Foundation, but also of the achievements and contributions of the HKU Medical Faculty in the past and a commitment to its future endeavours. Mr Li has always had the utmost regard for the HKU and its medical school and this will be a strategic partnership of excellence, between a premier institution and an outstanding philanthropist. This will definitely bring HKs higher education to a new plane of development and enhance its leading position in Asia.

The Vice-Chancellor Professor Lap-Chee Tsui added, This naming of a Faculty is unprecedented in the University and sets a new milestone of close collaboration between higher education and the community in Hong Kong.

The Faculty of Medicine at HKU is committed to the excellence of medical education and research. High quality education and research development projects demand substantial and long-term investment in terms of both talents and resources. Mr Lis donation is opportune in setting a firm foundation for the Facultys forthcoming grand development plan. Mr Lis support to higher education will soon be echoed by supports from the Government and other parts of the community.

For media enquiries, please contact Miss Janet Yeung at Faculty of Medicine (tel: 2819 5505) or Miss Polo Leung at External Relations Office (tel: 2859 2600).

May 18, 2005